利记sbo致力于保护其网站和服务用户的隐私. 本隐私声明描述了利记sbo如何收集和使用您在我们的公共网站上提供的个人信息,以及我们如何使用您的个人信息.

以便我们为您提供利记sbo的服务, 我们有时需要收集个人数据来处理您的学生申请等活动, activities upon admission; for your accounts and in aggregate form, to track and analyze site usage.

无论如何, 我们承诺确保我们收集和使用的信息适合这些目的, and does not constitute an invasion of your privacy.


  • 我们可能会通过您通过入学申请发送给我们的信件收集个人身份信息, optional surveys we may post on Lawrence Technological University Websites, 以及你可能在社交网站上任何利记sbo相关页面上发布的声明.
  • We may also use Google Analytics to collect web site usage data for analysis. Google Analytics使用cookie来跟踪用户会话以收集导航模式,但从不包含用户姓名, 用户名, or email addresses. 收集单个IP地址,但不与单个用户关联. 您可以通过在浏览器的偏好设置中关闭cookie来阻止Google Analytics收集数据.
  • We also may collect certain non-personally identifiable information, such as the type of browser you are using (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer), the type of operating system you are using (e.g., Windows or Mac), and the domain name of your Internet service provider
  • To facilitate a payment order through Lawrence Technological University, we may collect your name, 邮寄地址, email address and other necessary transactional information. 我们收集但不存储通过第三方服务提供商PayPal处理的您的信用卡详细信息,  Blackbaud Merchant Services (BBMS), CardConnect, and iATS .
  • To enable your access to the Lawrence Technological University services, we may collect information concerning the your internet protocol address, your username and password, or other authentication methods, such as Shibboleth
  • 在某些情况下, 利记sbo可能有法律义务收集并向国土安全部等第三方提供您的个人身份信息. 在这种情况下, 管理收集您的个人身份信息的隐私政策应在该第三方的隐私政策中规定.
Lawrence Technological University employs “cookie” technology. cookie是存储在您的计算机上的一小段文本,作为控制某些系统变量和在WWW环境中存储系统配置信息的工具. 劳伦斯科技大学使用cookie来存储用户的浏览和打印偏好, regional and geographical information connected to an IP address, and to store authentication information. We do not use cookies to identify what other sites you have visited; however, 我们确实使用某些工具来了解进出利记sbo网站的流量. You can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level, but if you choose to disable cookies, 它可能会限制您使用我们网站或服务的某些特性或功能. 第三方服务提供商可能会使用cookie使您更容易浏览我们的网站, but those cookies are not covered by our privacy policy. We do not have access or control over these cookies, if used. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy HERE.
Lawrence Technological University will process (collect, 以符合法规和合法用途的方式存储和使用您提供的信息. We will endeavor to keep your information accurate and up to date, and not keep it for longer than is necessary. 根据法律规定,利记sbo必须保留信息, such as information needed for income tax and audit purposes. 某些类别的个人资料应保存多久,亦可能受商业界别的特定规定和商定的惯例规管. 除上述期间外,视乎个别业务需要,个人资料亦可被保留.
Lawrence Technological University (利记sbo) may work with other organizations. 在与您打交道的过程中,我们可能会将您的个人数据传递给与利记sbo签订合同的第三方服务提供商. We may also release your information to fulfill legal provisions. 我们可能与之共享您的数据的任何第三方都有义务安全地保存您的详细信息, and to use them only to provide specific services for us, such as credit card and application processing, to complete your requests. 如果我们希望将您的敏感个人数据传递给第三方,我们只会在征得您的同意后才会这样做, unless we are legally required to do otherwise.
我们的目的是不打扰,我们保证不问无关或不必要的问题. 此外, 您提供的信息将受到合理措施和程序的约束,以尽量减少未经授权访问或披露的风险.
根据您的要求,利记sbo将向您提供有关我们是否持有您的任何个人信息的信息. If you would like to review, delete or update your information, you may contact us using the contact information below. 我们将允许更正、修改或删除被证明不准确的信息. We will respond to your request to privacy@learnempiretoday.com within a reasonable timeframe. 请注意, because of the way we maintain certain services, 法律法规要求保留某些信息,并且修改后的信息的残余副本可能需要一段时间才能在活动服务器上进行修改,并可能保留在我们的备份系统中.

You will need to provide sufficient information, such as your name and other possible identifying information, as a security precaution.
我们可能会更新本隐私政策以反映我们信息实践的变化. 如果我们更改使用您个人信息的方式,我们将通过电子邮件通知您(发送到您帐户中指定的电子邮件地址)。. 我们鼓励您定期查看此页面以获取有关我们隐私惯例的最新信息.
如果您对本隐私政策或其实施有任何疑问,您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 privacy@learnempiretoday.com . General website questions can be directed to webmgr@learnempiretoday.com . 或邮寄至

Lawrence Technological University
Office of Marketing and Public Affairs 
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Southfield, MI, 48075-1058
1800打电话给ltu 1-800-225-5588
(1 800 225 5588)

Last updated on 05/23/2018